Monday, February 28, 2011

18 month stats

We went for Hudson's 18 month well visit this morning. He enters the office, plays with the toys in the lobby (as I cringe thinking about all of the germs he's getting, but it's pretty much impossible to hold an active 18 month old down in your lap when there are lots of enticing things in front of them), then they call us back. He was as happy as he could be until it was time to get weighed and measured. He cried his really dramatic, pitiful, bottom lip out, attention getting cry as the nurse weighed and measured him. As we went back to the exam room, he continued crying as the nurse asked me questions. As soon as she left the room he turned it off. He sat down on Doc's stool and was happy again until Doc came in to do his exam. Needless to say, he cried the whole time Doc was in the room too. Doctor Nesbit said it was quite normal for his age because he's so aware of whats going on. He said that he expected to be Hudson's friend again when he was around 2 1/2. Everything checked out great, and they said that he was ahead of his learning curve based on the things he's doing at this point. He weighed 28 lbs, and was 33 1/2 inches tall. He's in the 80th percentile for both weight and height. We are so thankful to have a healthy boy!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

need your help

I have such wonderful blogging friends and followers. You guys have been so instrumental in lifting my family up in prayer and encouraging us through all of Hudson's medical treatments. I have a favor for those of you that are on facebook. Please go and like Kimberly Kyle Photography and then click on the cutest kid contest. Like #8, Ella. She is my cousin and she needs our help to win! Thanks guys!

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Year and A Half

Oh, Buddy Boy, how are you already this old? "18 months" sounds so old. You are definitely not a baby anymore because you are SO independent and want to do EVERYTHING yourself. You are always going to be my baby, though.
That spunky personality keeps us on our toes and you are so much fun! The weather has been warming up, so we have been able to get outside to the park a lot recently. You just run, climb, tumble, and slide with all the big kids. You love being outside. You also love playing with any kind of ball. Most of the time you are carrying a ball around with you, and even when you are just relaxing or watching one of your shows, you are holding a ball most of the time. If you see anything that is spherical shaped, it's a "ball" and you want it. You also love playing with your cars and trucks. It's amazing how little boys are just "hard wired" to like those things.
You still love Barney and Elmo and you're really getting into Thomas the tank engine. You call it "choo-choo". You are really into learning about animals right now too. You can name many different ones, and love to look at your books that have all of the animal pictures in them. We read "Animals" over and over. You never get tired of it. We can ask you "where's the lion, pig, penguin, dolphin, etc?... and you turn to the right page. You love going through and naming them all yourself and making their sounds.
You are still big on dancing and get excited when someone tells you to dance. You take it so seriously and even spread your legs out and "get low". It's hilarious to watch you break it down.
Blueberries are your favorite fruit right now, and you want "blues" at every meal. You still love cheese, and have recently really started to like chicken and eat more of it. You like spinach, but any other green veggies are hard to get in you.
You are wearing 24 months, and I am buying you some things in 2t for the Spring/Summer. Size 6 1/2 wide shoes, and size 5/6 diapers depending on the brand.
You are always talking and starting to say more phrases. Here are some of this month's new words: cake, fruit, on, mam, help, bus, giraffe-"jaff", hello, bed, monkey-"monk-monk", pig, Ila(your friend), Barney- "Arnie", lion, Sara (our friend's little girl, Sara Jane), diaper, Jennifer-"jin-ja", It's cold, outside, Holly, park, drink, play, flower, day, dolphin, boat, kick, penguin, tree, blueberry-"blues", colors, elephant-"el-e", Ernie, balloon, phone, toothbrush, Ella, brush, moon, teeth, All done., hot dog, off, these, poop, turtle, pee-pee, phone, Mickey Mouse, phone, and remote.
You cover your mouth when you cough, and if anyone else coughs, you want to cover their mouth too. When you need a diaper change, you grab your diaper and say "pee-pee" or "poop". You know the colors- red, blue, and yellow, and the letters- E, O, H, A, and P, and numbers 1-5.
I think it's pretty safe to say that you are officially in the "terrible twos". We are working very hard to make them "terrific twos" instead. You have gotten better about listening at times, but you still have your moments when you throw tantrums. I can tell that you are learning that there are consequences for your actions, and I am so glad about that.
You got a potty chair for Valentines day, and you like to sit on it. You pee-peed a tiny bit in it one night right after you peed all over the floor right beside it. We will work on potty training this summer, but I just wanted you to be exposed to it and be familiar with what the potty chair is for.
You go for your 18 month well visit with Dr. Nesbit on Monday, so I will post your stats afterwards, and you have 18 month pictures with our Haley on Saturday. I can't wait!
You are still nothing less than a joy to us, and we love watching you grow. Even though it's bittersweet to watch you change so fast, I am enjoying each stage that you go through. I am so happy that God chose me to be your mom.

I love you!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ring Around the Rosies

Uncle Lee was in town this weekend. His VSU rugby team had a tournament with ASU and GC&SU. Saturday was a gorgeous warm day! Hudson had the best time with all of our friends out at the tournament.

Ava and Catherine playing with Hud
laughing at the girls

being silly and eating goldfish

They took such good care of Hudson and kept him so entertained. Such sweet girls!

We were also glad to be able to hang out with the Veals. They are college friends and were in town with Sara Jane, Lexi, and Landon. Here are the kids playing after dinner at Erin and Jarvis' house. They had SUCH a good time with each other.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spring Fever

This past weekend brought some pretty fabulous weather. We took full advantage of it and went to the park on Saturday AND Sunday. We couldn't resist after the long, cold, rainy, icy Winter that we've had. Let's just hope that old groundhog was right. BRING ON SPRING!!!

SO TIRED of playing inside
so we head to the park to have a picnic lunch, then he's off before we can catch him

meeting new furry friends

running across the amphitheater 493 times
Hey there, Speedy Gonzalez!

Hudson's Valentines Day surprise....He's been checking this potty seat out every time we go into Target. "FROG, FROG, FROG!!!"

He loved it, and didn't want to get off. I hope this is a good indicator of how potty training will be.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Daddy

We wish you a very happy birthday! We love you! Thanks for being such a great daddy!
We celebrated Dave's birthday over the weekend, so tonight we had cheeseburgers for dinner, and cupcakes for dessert.
Hudson loved the buttercream one!