Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy First Birthday, Charlotte!

Wasn't it just a few months ago that we were headed down to the hospital to see you.  You are such a beautiful and precious baby girl.  Hudson loves you so much and so do we. 

Egg hunting we will go...

I was so glad to be able to attend Hudson's Easter party and egg hunt at his school.  I was a "party mom", so I got to hang out with his class and do an Easter craft after the egg hunt during the party.  I don't get to drop in to his class often, so it's always a treat for me, and I think he likes it too. :)


Huddy Buddy is playing soccer for the YMCA this year.  It's his first time, and let me tell you how funny it is to see a bunch of 3 year olds running around playing organized soccer.  Hudson is in love with playing sports, and he's pretty serious about playing.  He does well, and even scored 2 goals at his first game.  Both goals were for the other team, but who cares right?

This was right before his first practice.

Spring is here!

I feel like I should have been posting a "Spring is here!" blog a month ago.  The weather has been crazy here for the past few weeks, and even though we've had a few nice days here and there, we've also had some COLD and windy days.  We are usually well into warm weather during this time of year.  Everything is green and flowers are starting to grow all around.  I just love this time of year.  Summer vacation is so close that we can almost taste it, we've got lots of family and friend birthdays to celebrate, and it's finally warm enough to play outside without wearing a jacket. 
I took Hudson out for a few Spring pictures.  He looks so old in these to me.