Sunday, October 27, 2013


It's been a while since I've posted a "Hudson update", or even blogged for that matter.  Things are just so busy during this wonderful time of year.  We have been busy with lots of fun Fall things, soccer, birthday parties, and everyday life. 

We just finished up with Fall soccer, and Hudson really enjoyed this season.  He had another great coach who made it really fun.  We are so proud of how well Hudson is doing in soccer.  He's really developed a strong interest in it, and is pretty good.  He won the "Golden Cleat" award, and was so proud of his trophy.  He had a great time playing with his buddy, Jack who is also really good.  They became good little buddies. 

We've had a good time visiting local pumpkin patches, the dairy farm, and just being outdoors in the nice Fall weather. 

Our annual Halloween pumpkin carving gathering with our friends was perfect last night with the COLD temps. 

I love this time of year.  Every weekend is packed full of fun things to do, and Sunday evenings come with a gloom that the fun times are over for another week.  This weekend has been no exception.  We celebrated cousin Owen's 4th birthday yesterday along with the soccer party, and pumpkin carving party.  At least we only have 4 days until we get to party again.  I can't wait to see all of the kiddos in their adorable costumes on Halloween night.  Hudson is super excited about his this year.  I'll be sure to post pictures, and I will try not to wait a whole month before doing so. 

4 year Pre-K is going very well.  Hudson has learned so many things from his awesome teacher.  I am proud of how well he is doing academically.  It blows my mind that he will be in kindergarten next year.  I spoke with his teacher last week, and she had lots of nice things to say about him and was pleased with his performance saying that he was doing great.  It made me even more proud of the little boy that he is growing into.  It warmed my heart to hear her say how helpful and compassionate he is with his classmates and how he's always willing to help out even if he's in the middle of doing something else.  There is a new student in his class whose family does not speak English as a first language.  Hudson has taken him under his wing to help him at school. I hope that he always has a heart for those that need a little extra assistance, and keeps that nurturing attitude.

He loves babies and toddlers.  Brantley and Charlotte are both very special to him, and he wants to help them, check on them, and show them things all the time.  He's great with the little ones.

Even though he's growing up way too fast, he still amazes us with his vocabulary and the things that he brings up, asks, and talks about.  Sometimes when talking to him, I feel like I'm talking to a much older person. 

I hope that you enjoyed the Fall pictures, and I promise not to be such a slacker in blogging in the future.  There are lots of fun things coming up that I will have to post and share with you guys. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

broken nose....twice

Hudson had been looking forward to being the ring bearer in Holly and Angel's wedding for months.  We were so excited for the weekend to finally come.  While I prayed that we all stayed well and healthy, I never expected my sweet boy to BREAK HIS NOSE a few days before we were set to head to Alabama!  As he was getting out of the bath tub, he slipped and caught all of his weight on his poor nose hitting the side of the tub.  It was an awful scream.  I was so sad for him.  He's a tough boy, and always blows off injuries.  Not this one.  When I lifted him off my shoulder to access the "damage", that poor nose was already swelling up and bleeding.  We did ice on and off for the first few days, but it continued to swell and turn blue for two days.  I didn't take any pictures for the first few days, but it wasn't pretty.  Here is the first picture that I have a few days after the accident.  You can see his right eye is a little swollen, and that crooked, swollen, blue nose.  It turned all shades from dark blue to bright green.  Luckily, the bruising didn't show up much in the pictures, and the swelling went down enough so that it wasn't too obvious.
Here he is at the wedding.  You can still see a little swelling and some bruising under his right eye. (It's really hard to tell in the pictures.)
It took over a week for his nose to start looking like "his nose" again.  I mentioned to Dave one night that the bruising was finally gone and he looked more like himself....that is until the next morning!!!

You can imagine the horror when THIS happened...
This tough guy had just finished his soccer game on Saturday morning when he was running around.  He hopped up onto the concrete sidewalk with his cleats on, and they slid at the same time he tried to turn around.  I saw him fall.  It happened so fast that he didn't have time to brace himself.  His face and NOSE bounced off the concrete.  That scream.  Ugh, It was so sad.  I hate to see him get hurt.  I know it hurt badly too, because that nose was just injured.  Look at how swollen it is AGAIN and how crooked.  Poor guy.  He was such a trooper as we cleaned him up again and took care of another nose bleed.  
I was so upset, and felt so bad.  I said to him, "I'm so sorry that you hurt your nose again.".  His sweet little response was, "It's ok Mom, people get hurt sometimes.".  Even though this is very true, and I know this is par for the course when raising an "all boy" boy, it still hurts us moms to see our little guys hurt.  
He's fine, and this bruise and swelling have lasted longer and been a little more intense looking.  He's finally starting to get his nose back.  
Even though he has looked like he's been "fighting with a dinosaur" (which is what he told me we should tell people...hehehe), he's such a tough boy, and I'm so thankful that he's ok and is such a happy little guy.

Congratulations, Holly and Angel!!!

We are SO thrilled for Holly and Angel.  They had a beautiful wedding on 9/28, and we were so happy to be a part of it.  The weekend and all of the festivities were so much fun.  The Fall weather was perfect.

What a wonderful day!!