To all of you that are visiting from Kelly's Korner.. thanks for stopping by. You can read more about Hudson's kidney here, and about his surgery here. This post is when we got the best news ever. While it would be nice to not have to worry about how many times he's pee peed in a day and how much he has gone, we are so blessed and so thankful that he is doing so well. He will continue to be monitored by ultrasounds and VCUG tests regularly.
Mario Bros Birthday Party
2 days ago
He is a cute little guy. So glad he is doing well. I remember for months my thoughts were only about Jacks pee and begging him to do it. In the hosiptal after his heart surgery his kidneys went down, I would repeat all day to him "tinkle tinkle dinkle dinkle" or "give Mummy stinky dinkey" but his kidney function never returned which in turn made his heart bad again.Glad your son is getting better, He looks very happy and healthy